The study of games is has only just began to appear in educational establishment, only a select few of institutes have courses that are dedicated to the study and designing of games. The study of games has appeared in correspondence to the rise in video games with our every day lives and becoming a part of our culture. As there are only a small proportion of people in the industry that have come from the route of game studies, most people in the industry come from other areas of study and specialism’s like communication technology, film and media, computer sciences and many others that could be relevant to the gaming industry.
Being such a large part of our culture and the most successful communication technology to become part of the home; millions of young people are exposed to the world of gaming, sparking an interest in some that drives them to learn about games and the theory and processes behind them. If this was not picked up on and educational institutes structuring courses dedicated to the subject the industry would be lacking in new and inventive input, it would eventually fall behind in its development.
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